Our Day Nursery and Pre-School at Godstone farm is made possible via our partnership with the established and award-winning childcare experts, Farm Day Nurseries.

Many of us have come to appreciate the indisputable benefits of getting outside and closer to nature, which is why the nursery offers just that; lots of stimulating play within a natural environment

Countryside learning

We are able to make use of our plentiful 45 acres of natural countryside to create enriching experiences for children in their formative early years. Within our new purpose built 396 sq/m nursery building, every room is focused on child-led play, with free flow access to the day nursery’s garden and daily visits to the farm to see our animals.

We give children a unique chance to learn about field to fork food cycles as well as how to care for their furry friends on the farm.

We offer weekend open-day tours each month if you wish to take a look around. Please contact our admin team for more information on dates of tours.

Oustanding care

We are confident that children are able to thrive in our brand new Day Nursery & Pre-School, spending time in the countryside fresh-air with access to private gardens and of course enjoying daily visits to Godstone Farm.

Caring for children from 6 weeks to 5 years, Godstone Farm Day Nursery and Pre-School provides a modern setting within a farm environment.

Giving your child the very best in early years education, we believe in learning through play, creating happy, healthy children.

Rates GOOD by Ofsted (May 23)

At Godstone Farm Day Nursery and Pre-School, our experienced and qualified team aim for the highest possible standards of childcare.


In May 23 we were rated GOOD by Ofsted in all areas: The quality of education, Behaviour and attitudes, Personal development, Leadership and management.
“Children and their families are warmly welcomed at this happy and fun setting. They enter, eager to go and explore. Staff know their children well and plan engaging activities for them based on their needs and interests. Children are quick to settle and play well with their friends. Children enjoy making their own ribbon sticks with creative resources. They share these proudly with each other. Staff praise children and encourage them. Staff are good role models. They celebrate children’s achievements and offer cuddles and smiles. Children’s emotional wellbeing is well supported. Staff are caring and kind. Children benefit from these positive relationships. They help their friends to get ready to go to the farm and wait for each other, excitedly talking about feeding the goats.”
Our Ofsted registration is EY2639668


You can view our newsletter here.